Our History


TCC Solutions has demonstrated a decades long commitment to improving the lives of children and families by supporting early childhood education and care (ECEC) state and local agencies since the late 1990’s, long before large technology consultants and CRM integrators realized this is a vitally important and worthy industry to support.  In response to the newly created Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), TCC Solutions launched our first child care licensing system in 1999, our first child care subsidy eligibility solution in 2002 and our first mobile child care inspection tool in 2007.

CCDBG was a pivotal piece of federal legislation that represented a promise for our nation’s families seeking affordable, high-quality child care. But like any major legislation, it required extensive footwork to successfully rollout and implement.  TCC Solutions learned that our technology was most effective when combined with program administration services and began offering services such as eligibility monitoring, direct service budget forecasting, quality rating management, and subsidy payment processing.  But our lessons learned and creative solutioning capacity did not end there.

Colorful Building Blocks with Holding Hands Iconography

TCC Solutions Growth



As CCDBG evolved, so did TCC Solutions’ capacity and subject matter expertise to develop and enhance our solutions, including changes to support CCDBG reauthorization in 2014 and the 2016 federal rule promulgation. In 2015, we leveraged our 15 years of lessons learned with clients to develop Ascend, a purpose-led data system for state and local ECEC agencies and the constituents they serve. We’ve established a reputation for building, implementing and maintaining robust software and services, resulting in nimble solutions designed with adaptability, interoperability and scalability in mind.

More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the fragile nature of our nation’s ECEC ecosystem. In response to the crisis at hand, TCC Solutions rapidly added functionality to facilitate provider stabilization grants and made modifications to reduce administrative burdens on families.

Despite concerted efforts to return to pre-pandemic life, the ECEC industry is still suffering, and families are having difficulty finding care that meets their needs.

Woman Helping Young Child and 2 Children Hugging
Transforming the Future

Providers have permanently closed doors and caregivers are leaving the profession. Some companies are bringing their employees back to an office, only to face long wait lists for high-quality, affordable care for their young children.  New federal rules have been proposed to decrease the cost of care for families and to implement creative strategies to rebuild the early childhood workforce and provider supply.

Just as we’ve been here since the beginning, TCC Solutions will continue to work with ECEC state and local agencies to innovate and deliver transformational solutions. 

TCC Solutions Early Childhood Solutions


TCC Solutions delivered our first child care licensing management solution


TCC Solutions converted data from 92 counties for the first successful submission of required CCDF federal reporting


TCC Solutions developed our first consumer education website


TCC Solutions designed and implemented our first web-based, statewide CCDF eligibility/case management solution with a licensing system interface


TCC Solutions calculated subsidy payment amounts in a statewide eligibility system and interfaced with the state payment system to relay data


TCC Solutions developed our first interface between CCDF eligibility and electronic attendance/payment system


TCC Solutions delivered our first electronic child care inspection solution with offline and online capabilities


TCC Solutions delivered our first QRIS management solution


TCC Solutions implemented electronic CCDF eligibility case management including document scanning and remote monitoring for error rate reduction and reporting


TCC Solutions developed our first interface between CCDF eligibility and TANF


TCC Solutions implemented our first professional development registry


TCC Solutions enhanced our child care inspection solution to include electronic forms


TCC Solutions delivered our first online background check application and tracking solution


TCC Solutions delivered our first integrated CCDF and Pre-K eligibility, attendance and case management system


TCC Solutions developed Ascend, our proprietary early childhood integrated data system solution, including a professional development registry


TCC Solutions implemented our first modules for Ascend:  child care licensing and QRIS


TCC Solutions implemented our first Ascend Pre-K eligibility, attendance and case management modules


TCC Solutions added a provider/workforce grants application and management module to Ascend


TCC Solutions implemented single sign-on (SSO) with Salesforce and Ascend


TCC Solutions awarded Ascend licensing, registry, Pre-K; expedite Mobile forms


TCC Solutions delivered Ascend licensing/subsidy and eXpedite mobile forms in 1 year


TCC Solutions implemented pay by enrollment solution


Ascend licensing and eXpedite mobile forms